Here's a classic case study of how we tripled our leads using this little-discussed blogging tactic. So how do you plan and execute your content strategy to achieve the desired results? Are content refurbishment and content reuse similar terms? These two terms may look the same but there is a big difference between the two. Refurbishing or revamping content means updating existing content to maintain the same intent as the original content. that is to keep The target audience is the same. The content refurbishment or revamp process includes adding topical updates to make it relevant to your audience and make it more current.
Repurposing existing content means making two major changes to your content, namely changing the content format from a blog to an ebook or guide to an infographic and changing the Latest Mailing Database target audience of the content updating a blog that was originally written for startups and now repurposing it for startups and small companies. How to Prioritize Content Worth Refreshing Don't bother revamping any random old blog.
Updating old content that doesn't need to be updated is a waste of time. , perhaps an existing content refurbishment calendar with the following in mind. Prioritize pages with high keyword impressions but lower rankings. Pick blogs that don't get as much traffic as they did initially and lower your expectations. Remember one thing; traffic is not the only criterion for selecting content for refurbishment. Once you've completed your list of invalid content pages, you'll need to make a call for each blog type.
Security guards are often equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to assess threats quickly and respond effectively. Why hire professional security guards for residential properties can make a significant difference in the safety and security of your home. Not only do they provide a physical presence that deters crime, but they are also trained to handle various emergency situations.